Friday, July 28, 2017

Watermelon Health Benefits

The mere thought of biting into a chilled watermelon or sipping chilled watermelon juice during summer is a refreshing thought. What many do not readily realise is that not just they are not just a refresher, but they are also loaded with multiple health benefits. Another surprising fact is that they have been in use since 5000 years ago and are referred to in ancient literature. There are about 300 varieties and are easily available during summer.

Many may think that watermelon is loaded with water. However, there are also multiple compounds including vitamins and minerals; vitamins C, A, B1, B5, and B6; minerals like potassium and magnesium, and compounds like carotenoids and lycopene. These have multiple benefits on the health and so watermelon can be consumed without any second thought in abundance.
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Some of the Benefits of Watermelon:

  • Hydration : One of the best remedies to avoid the ill effects of summer is to improve hydration levels, and there could be no better way to do this than with watermelon (eat it or drink it!) It is 92% water, and therefore leaves you refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • Heart Health : Lycopene helps reduce cholesterol, reduce thickening of artery walls, and reduces oxidative stress. The various minerals and vitamins also add to the heart health qualities of watermelon. The citrulline in it also increases nitric oxide level in the body, which expands or dilates blood vessels and improves blood pressure.
  • Anti-inflammatory benefits: The lycopene and Vitamin C reduce the levels of C-reactive protein which are responsible for inflammation. The antioxidant levels also lower inflammation, thereby reducing the onset of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  • Eye Health: Watermelons, through their anti-inflammatory effects, reduce the onset of age-related macular degeneration. Those who already have it can also see the delayed progression of the condition, thereby prolonging vision loss.
  • Muscle Soreness: Those who have muscle soreness should reach out for a slice of watermelon to get instant relief from this soreness. Watermelon also improves exercise endurance and performance, and the added benefit on the heart also improves exercise tolerance.
  • Skin and Hair benefits: These benefits come from multiple sources in the melon. The vitamin A helps improve skin regeneration, vitamin C helps collagen formation and improved skin tone. Lycopene and beta-carotene help control the damage caused by sun exposure and pigmentation.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is commonly used to treat various types of "stomach problems," including motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, nausea caused by cancer treatment, nausea caused by HIV/AIDS treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery, as well as loss of appetite.

Other uses include pain relief from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis, menstrual pain, upper respiratory tract infections, cough, respiratory problems, migraine headache, bronchitis, and diabetes. Ginger is also sometimes used for chest pain, low back pain, and stomach pain, discontinuing use of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), anorexia, to stimulate breast milk, as a diuretic, and to increase sweating. It is also used to treat cholera, bleeding, bacterial bloody diarrhea, baldness, malaria, inflamed testicles, poisonous snake bites, and toothaches.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Benefits of Dirinking Water on Empty Stomach

Drinking water on empty stomach has many health benefits, some of those are,

1. It cures headache
2. Body pain
3. Diabetes
4. Constipation
5. Eye aliments
6. Womb cancer
7. Ear, nose, throat disorders.... and many more
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Drinking Water Benefits -

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Eating Habits that Weight Gain

No matter how serious you are about watching your weight, practicing portion control, and maintaining good eating habits, it’s easy to find yourself in certain situations that can really test your willpower. Here are some common “danger zones” to watch out for when you’re trying to stick to a healthy, low-calorie eating plan. It’s important to know your overeating triggers because then you can plan ahead and deal with the situation, says Marjorie Nolan, RD, a national spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association and a nutrition and fitness consultant in private practice in New York City.

Feeding in Front of the TV

The problem with eating in front of the TV is that you’re not giving your meal or snack your full attention. Realistically, though, if you’re alone, you might want the TV for company. “If you are going to watch TV and eat, prepare your meal fully and portion it out,” Nolan says. Once you’ve eaten what’s on your plate, stop. Also, give yourself a set time frame. Eat during just one half-hour show and not all night with the TV on.

Overboard at the Buffet

Here’s a way to approach the buffet table without overeating: Fill up one plate with small portions and stop. Practice portion control by taking less of the unhealthy choices. Another trick: Make several trips, but limit yourself to one food group each time. For example, start with portions of vegetables, go for protein the next time, and carbs last. “Filling up your plate according to food groups helps you be more in control and have a sense of what you’re eating,” Nolan says.

Weekend Indulgences

“We always talk about how not to overeat at the party,” Nolan says. But the day after can be just as challenging. People rationalize by saying, “I’m already overeating, so I’ll wait until Monday to resume my good eating habits.” It’s fine to overindulge for an evening, but start back on your eating plan with portion control immediately afterward. You’ll only make it worse if you continue overeating. “It needs to stay just at that party or evening,” Nolan,says “Give yourself a specific time frame.”
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Dining-Out Diet Disasters

Never arrive at the table famished. It’s really hard to maintain good eating habits and have portion control when you’re starved. To avoid overeating, have a few carrots or almonds before you leave to meet your friends. If you’re drinking alcohol, limit yourself to two drinks at most to save on calories and keep from getting inebriated and losing your self-control. Another tip: Space your two drinks at least an hour apart. That way you won’t feel deprived, Nolan says.

Vacation Eating

A good way to avoid overeating while on vacation is to decide each morning which of your three meals will be your special one. “Keep it to one indulgent meal a day, not three,” Nolan says. One day it might be breakfast, the next dinner. Having one meal a day that is beyond your normal eating habits and higher in calories is fine as long as you’re not doing this all day. If you want dessert, share the portion with fellow vacationers.

Meals on the Go

Pack healthy meals and exert portion control on snacks for when you’re traveling. “I rarely leave it up to the gods where I eat when I’m on the road because you never know what they’re going to have,” Nolan says. “If you pack non-perishables and don’t eat them because you found a good restaurant, you can save them, and you’re not wasting.” Portion your snacks in individual baggies. If you must take the original bag, include a measuring tool so you can eat the right portions.

Emotional Snacking

Some people find themselves overeating when they’re upset or under stress. If you’re having an emotional time, the solution is to be conscious of how your eating habits are being affected. Keep a food journal to help you see the portion sizes you’re eating. Another trick is to do something fun that doesn’t involve food to distract you from your worries. Get your nails done. Call a friend you haven’t seen in a while and have a long chat. Take a hike. Ride a bike.

Eating on the Job

When you’re really busy at work, you tend to eat quickly and not pay attention to portions or calories. Again, the answer to portion control is to plan ahead. Pack lunches and snacks the night before that will fill you up during the day. You won’t have to run to the convenience store around the corner and grab the first thing you see or risk overeating. Also, force yourself to stop work for just 15 minutes to eat. You need the break, and you’ll feel fuller if you take time out to eat.

Sleep-Induced Hunger

When you’re overtired, it’s easy to eat mindlessly and before you know it, you’re overeating 1,000 extra calories. One solution is to take a nap rather than reach for another portion of peanut butter cookies. If it’s late at night and you’re about to start overeating, go to bed rather instead of wandering into the kitchen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Living Peaceful Life Tips

This Blog is about peaceful living lifestyle with nature, healthy living tips, latest health related issues and research outcomes will be posted here from different research people. Keep visiting....hope you will be back again soon........